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© D P Johnson 2008
This guide describes the detail of the progression through the rehabilitation following ACL ligamanet reconstruction and should be read in conjunction with the other detailed guides from Mr. Johnson:
It is very important that patients take responsibility for their own rehabilitation, doing home exercises several times every day. Ask for help, advice or assistance, if you are not progressing as you would like to, or if you have any problems, from your physiotherapist, GP or Mr. Johnson. This guide is an outline for a standard ACL reconstruction patient in normal circumstances. It should be used in conjunction with advice from your physiotherapist and Mr. Johnson. Patients having more complicated or revision surgery will be advised to modify the protocol accordingly.
Evidence Based ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocol : References
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© D P Johnson 2008 www.Bristol-Knee-Clinic.co.uk
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Orthopaedic Opinion Online or the author. The information is provided for general background reading only and should not be relied upon for treatment. Advice should always be taken from a registered medical practitioner for individual circumstances and for treatment of any patient in any circumstances. No liability is accepted by Orthopaedic Opinion Online, or the author in respect to the information provided in respect of the content or omission or for any reason or as a result of treatment in individual circumstances. This information is not for use in the USA.